Sell at the Shipshewana Livestock Auction
The Shipshewana Livestock Auction was established in 1922 and is held every Wednesday, year-round as farmers from all over the Midwest come to trade hay, pigs, cows, sheep and goats.
Auction Schedule:
10 am Hay
10:30 am Feeder Pigs
11 am Dairy Heifers / Dairy Cows / Feeder Cattle / Breeder Bulls
2:00 pm Veal, Sheep, Lambs, Goats
4 pm Butcher Bulls and Cows, Fat Cattle
Seller Information:
- Unloading: May be done anytime after 6:00 am on Wednesdays, up until sale time on Wednesday. If you need to unload on Tuesdays, please call Keith ahead of time (260-336-6008) to make arrangements.
- Checks: may be picked up immediately following your sale in the livestock office on Wednesdays, or they will be mailed out the following morning. We can also ACH/Direct Deposit your check. Forms are available in the livestock office. You may also make arrangements to pick up your check from the office the next day. We must have your complete name, address and phone number to issue checks.
- Hay: Sold by the ton. If you are selling hay, please bring a scale ticket into the Livestock Office to register prior to the sale.
- Trucking Service: Call the livestock office at 260-768-4129 for info on local trucking service. For Michigan cattle and horse trucking, call Gene Strong at 260-463-6667.
- Tags: All sheep and goats need Scrapie Tags. Get information on tags by calling 1-866-873-2824 or visit www.eradicatescrapie.org. Shipshewana Auction will tag them for $3.00 per head, but we prefer you get your own tags and tag them before you bring them to the sale.
- Interstate Entry Requirements: BOAH: Cattle and Bison Entry Requirements
- Dairy Consultants: Questions about dairy cows? Call Tye Casey at 574-930-0450 or Keith Lambright at 260-336-6008.
- Livestock Appraisals: Call Keith Lambright 260-336-6008, or Gene Strong (MI) 260-463-6667
- Organic Handler Certified: Call Keith at 260-336-6008 (We pick up Organic Cows Tuesdays!)
Commission & Fees
- Cattle
- Feeder Cattle: 3.5%, or a minimum of $20.00 per head
- Dairy: 4.5%, or a minimum of $50.00 per head
- Veal Calves: 4%, or a minimum of $10.00 per head
- Butcher Cattle: 1%, or a minimum of $20.00 per head
- Butcher Bulls: 4%, or a minimum of $50.00 per head
- Butcher Cows: 2.5%, or a minimum of $30.00 per head
- Feeder Pigs: 3%, or a minimum of $5.00 per head
- Butcher Hogs: 3%, or a minimum of $6.00 per head
- Sheep & Goats: $7.00 per head
- Hay / Straw / Wood: 6%
- Yardage Fee
- Livestock: .390%, or a minimum or $3.00 per head
- Feeder Pigs / Hogs: .390%, or a minimum of $1.50 per head
- Tagging Fees
- Feeder Pigs: $0.30 per head
- Scrapie Tagging Fee: $3 per head
- RFID Tagging Fee: $3 per head
- No Sale: Must be present and object to sale as soon as the animal is sold. Fee is regular commission price + yardage fee.
For livestock appraisals, call Keith Lambright at 260-336-6008 (cell).
