Date: Dec 15, 2016
Shipshewana Livestock Auction Market Report: Dec 14, 2016
Greetings! Here is the current market report for the Shipshewana sale barn livestock auction on Wednesday, December 14, 2016. The livestock auction is every Wednesday, year-round. This year, we will not miss any livestock auctions for the holiday season. Do you have Facebook? Join our Livestock Auction Facebook Group for updates on sale reports and special sales.
48 Hay...$70 to $240 per ton
5 Straw...$85 to $110 per ton
46 Feeder Pigs...$10 to $20 per head
22 Butcher Sows...$0.18 to $0.26 per lb
Hogs...$0.38 to $0.40 per lb
88 Holstein Dairy Heifers...$1370 to $1600
401 Stocker & Feeder Cattle
- Beef Type Steers...$0.85 to $1.17 per lb
- Beef Type Heifers...$0.85 to $1.10 per lb
- Holstein Steers...$0.60 to $0.80 per lb
35 Veal Calves... $0.40 to $0.60 per lb
58 Sheep, Butcher Lambs....$1.40 to $1.52 per lb
Ewes.... $0.60 to $0.80 per lb
31 Goats
- Billys...$150 to $250 per head
- Nannys...$75 to $150 per head
- Kids...$75 to $130 per head
8 Butcher Bulls...$0.68 to $0.80 per lb
300 Butcher Cattle
- Choice Steers...$0.97 to $1.05 per lb
- Choice Heifers...$0.92 to $1.02 per lb
- Good Heifers...$0.90 to $0.95 per lb
- Choice Holstein Steers...$0.87 to $0.94 per lb
- Good Holstein Steers...$0.80 per lb to $0.85 per lb
167 Butcher Cows
- Utility & Comercial Cows...$0.50 to $0.58.5 per lb
- Canner & Cutter Cows...$0.30 to $0.35 per lb
Call Keith at 260-336-6008 for livestock appraisals.