7 Tips for Good Antiquing
7 Tips for Good Antiquing
Whether you know exactly what you want to collect or you just want to venture out to find a spontaneous unique item; antiquing is a fun and super exciting activity that can be done alone or with friends. The most common thing we hear, however, is that people are a bit intimidated, especially if you are just getting started. Luckily for you, we’ve got seven helpful tips to make the most of your antique shopping experience in Shipshewana or anywhere!
- Read and study your antique interests. Take a look at price books, or read a general antique guide.
- Find a good local resource for where the best antique stops are in your area. Some good guides that many people use here in Northern Indiana are Antique Week, The Farmer’s Exchange, The Auction Exchange, area chambers' of commerce, etc. Or, pick up an Antique Guide, antique rack cards and brochures from local visitor centers or businesses like Shipshewana Flea Market & Auction; that may have those available in their information displays or information booths.
- Hang out at antique auctions and just learn by observing before you dive in!
- Once you find a good shop(s) or mall, ask if there are any other antique shops and malls in the area as they often network with one another. They can tell you where to go next, etc. You will soon find out where your interests will take you.
- Start out slowly and take time to shop around.
- Ask lots of questions. Inspect the goods carefully to make sure you’ll feel good about the purchase.
- Become an expert in the field you are interested in by buying, collecting, and maybe even paying too much now and then for something. When that happens, don’t feel bad as everyone who has ever collected anything at all has done that! Some people call that “tuition” or “getting a good education!"
Enjoy your antiques. It is fun to collect because there are many good memories of where you picked a piece up or how you acquired that piece sitting over by the fireplace. You may have your favorite piece of pottery or the best piece of mission furniture that money could buy.
Ready to find your perfect vintage treasure? Stop in at the weekly Shipshewana Misc. & Antique Auction to find some unique antique and collectibles by bidding each Wednesday!
Also, be sure to attend the 2-day Shipshewana Antique Markets the 3rd Friday and Saturday in June and the 1st Friday and Saturday in August.
When it comes to antiques, the thrill of the hunt is the best thrill of all!