Flea Market Booth Display Tips: Plenty of Walking Space & Presentation & Finishing Touches
Discover how to provide plenty of walking space and the perfect finisthing touches for your flea market booth display. (Part 5 in a Series of Booth Display Tips from Shipshewana Flea Market.)
Let’s face it vendors, we all get in ruts. At some point or another, you’ll get stuck in the routine of doing everything the same way… making or buying the exact same products, setting up your booth in the same style, and even using the same monotonous speech every time a customer walks up.
Don’t get me wrong, having a routine of setting up tables, shelves and other big stuff is important! Knowing the story of your company and having the gist of what you’re going to talk about is also a big deal!
What I’m talking about are all the little details that people notice and LOVE.
If you haven't already, check out some of our previous booth display tips:
- Flea Market Booth Display Tips: Maximize Storage & Create Vignettes
- Flea Market Booth Display Tips: Clearly Mark Prices & Evoke Nostalgic Feelings
- Flea Market Booth Display Tips: Easy-Set Up & Use of Space
Here, we have 2 great tips that will help you shake things up.
Practical Booth Display Tip #5: Plenty of Walking Space
Put yourself in the mindset of a customer for a moment. Have you ever avoided a booth or not shopped a booth because it was too crowded or it didn’t have enough room to walk around?
I have! (I’m, getting claustrophobic just thinking about it)
Check out Dick and Linda Noll’s booth, DNL Woodworks-- the inspiration for this featured Practical Booth Display Tip!
I love ALL THAT SPACE! There’s room to walk, turn around and push a wheelchair! Customers love that they can freely move and even take a step back to get a better look at something.
Allow enough walkway space for more than one or two people to be able to comfortably walk and look around. If your space looks and gives the feel of too “busy” or jammed, people will walk right by.
Make sure customers can freely walk around and thoroughly look at your products. If they take one step in the wrong direction, are they going to bump into something causing the largest domino effect known to man?
Having enough clearance space for customers to move around helps avoid items from accidentally getting knocked over whether it be from a purse, kid, rear-end etc.
If you're in a small booth space, think about how you can maximize on storage while still creating an open and airy booth. Maybe ditch the table and create a different atmosphere by using alternative display methods.
Be proactive! Fix a problem before it starts!
Creative Booth Display Tip #5: Presentation/Finishing Touches
When I said little details, I really do mean simple little details. Customer love feeling special... heck, I love feeling special! So, why not cater to that??
My creative booth display tip is inspired by A Perfect Cocktail #568. A Perfect Cocktail sells delicious mixes for drinks like margaritas and other cocktails.
...Don't you just want to grab that glass and drink it down... because I do!
A picture is worth a thousand words and right now my brain is saying, "Gimme that!" about a thousand times over and over!
Not only does A Perfect Cocktail have great presentation, but the way they package their product is so cute!
You might be asking, "Is the colorful bag, ribbon, clear containers, samples etc. really THAT necessary?"
I'm going to resort back to my college days and (kinda) get all "Socratic Method" on you by asking a bunch of questions...
- What is retail?
- How does a company sell products?
- How does a company sell products to their ideal customer?
- How do people find out about a company's products?
- Does a company need to leave an impression on a customer in order for said customer to remember them?
- What does a company need to do to be remembered?
...trust me, I'm no Socrates, but all those questions make a valid point.
If the drink mix was left alone in just a plastic baggie without the polka dot bag, matching ribbon and cute setup, would they make as many sales? Would the product catch a customer’s eye or be remembered as much?
Give customers the COMPLETE package. Do it all. Make a great product, have a fresh display and present your products in a desirable way.
Take some time to think about these two tips when setting up and selling at flea markets. How can you rearrange your booth to allow more walking space? How can you jazz up your presentation or add finishing touches to your products?
Whether you're creative or a little more logic oriented, think about the display of your own booth and how you can continue to improve on your business.